Friday 15 May 2009

Troubleshooting ActiveSync problem in HTC Touch Viva

When I first bought my HTC Touch Viva, I had major difficulty in synchronizing my mobile with my computer using the Microsoft ActiveSync software. I tried many novice things to sort it out, but sadly nothing helped. Went through many forums, and even requested help by mailing to HTC guys.. absolute useless.

Well, after two days of head banging, I finally found the root cause of the problem. So, in case you too are having similar problem, follow the steps below:

1. Go to the settings.

2. From the options of Personal, System, & Connections, chose connections.

3. Tap on USB to PC icon.

4. Here lies the demon. There is a small box with lengthy explanation line (probably automatically ticked) which says "Enable faster data synchronization" you just need to uncheck it and tap on ok. Though the next line says about unchecking the box if the problem occurs, but who cares to read much while sorting out a problem.. he he

Well, thats all. Once you have unchecked the box, and selected ActiveSync, try again switching off and switching on the mobile, and then connect it to the computer. The Microsoft ActiveSync will automatically and surely recognize your device and you will be able to use it to play around with your brand new HTC mobile.

One more utility application I would like to mention about, which would help you run your mobile right from your computer, is a software called mymobiler, courtsey

You can download it right from their website or clicking on the title link of this blog. Its a .exe file and has to be run on your computer. After that it takes care of the rest and shows your mobile right on your computer screen. Thanks a lot mymobiler gang and keep up the good work.

Together with Microsoft ActiveSync and MyMobiler, you need not disturb your resting mobile and handle it right from your computer!!! Do not believe me? Well, then try it and do comeback.. Till then Hasta luego!



  1. It really worked... thnx :)

  2. Yes this was like magic! Thanks. :)


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