Sunday 28 December 2008

Chinese Proverbs of Wisdom

Taoism, a 2000+ years old religion of China, has always inspired beautiful words of wisdom. These words are simple, practical, and yet so utterly intelligent. Taoism's high regard (in fact worship) of nature and spirits of their ancestors is quite evident from these phrases.

I am posting here are a few of my most loved ones. I hope they enlighten your soul.

1. A horse cannot gain weight if not fed with extra fodder during the night; a man cannot become wealthy without earnings apart from his regular salaries.

2. An inch of time is an inch of gold but you can't buy that inch of time with an inch of gold.

3. The longer the night lasts, the more our dreams will be.

4. No wind, no waves.

5. One cannot refuse to eat just because there is a chance of being choked.

6. You think you lost your horse? Who knows, he may bring a whole herd back to you someday.

7. You won't help shoots grow by pulling them up higher.

8. Don't open a shop unless you like to smile.

9. Even a hare will bite when it is cornered.

10. My House (Barn) Burned Down; Now I Can See the Moon

11. The water that bears the ship is the same that engulfs it.

12. The woman who tells her age is either too young to have anything to lose,or too old to have anything to gain.

13. There are two perfectly good men, one dead and the other unborn.

14. Those who hear not the music, think the dancers are mad.

15. Wait long, strike fast.

16. It is the beautiful bird which gets caged – Confucius

17. It is only when the cold season comes that we know the pine and cypress to be evergreens.

18. One's good deeds are only known at home; one's bad deeds far away.

19. Rotten wood cannot be carved.

20. Those who know, when they have enough, are rich.

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